Feb 2-3, 2024
Grace Church | Eden Prairie, MN
Ekklesia: Called Out
Ekklesia is the Greek word for church, meaning "called out assembly."
We are CALLED OUT by Christ to love the church; to serve the church; to represent Jesus through His church. He died for the church, so it is critical for us to understand its mission and importance — to love Christ is to love the church.
But what does this look like for us? What is the church? Why is the church important? How should we represent the church? How can we serve the church?
Gather with women of all ages for a weekend of uplifting worship, encouraging messages, and authentic community. Together, we will be challenged and inspired to love our church and carry out Christ's mission as we serve His church.
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Regina Gibson
"The church is the definition of forever family. From my youth until now, the church has served as a steady anchor for my life in Christ, per His design. It thrills me that the Lord has made for Himself a people, armed with gifts and incredible purpose and endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us walk through the wondrous Words of Christ and stand in awe together at how He has made for Himself a people; a church appointed for this time on earth to infiltrate the world with a taste of the Kingdom to come."
Regina lives with her family of seven in Nashville, Tennessee. She spends her days surrounded by a lively crew of five children as she homeschools them, training them daily to walk in the Lord. You can often find Regina toiling over the family garden alongside Chris, her husband of 15 years. Their home is filled with plenty of laughter, a lot of repentance, and many moments pouring over the precious truths of Scripture together.
Troy Dobbs
“You are the church, the family of God, the Ekklesia, the called-out community of believers in all the world. The church worships God, loves each other, prays together, and preaches Christ’s life, death, and resurrection while organizing the spreading of the Gospel. Do you love this church, the movement of faith for which Jesus gave his life? When Jesus said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it, he meant that death will not overcome the church – those who are in Christ have the hope of eternal life.”
We are so excited to welcome our own Pastor Troy to teach on the beauty of the church and how we can conform our thinking to be the church as Jesus designed and built it!
Breakout Sessions
Church Hurt / Deconstruction | Auditorium
Do you have doubts, hurts, or questions about your faith that don’t seem to have answers? These experiences can lead us, or those we love, to begin to reconsider if Christianity is ACTUALLY true; also known as “deconstructing.” Join Delaney Dobbs, Bev Coniaris, and Ashley Kintzel as we look at why the Bible remains the only source of truth and how it can sustain us in every season.
Women Serving in their Local Church | Chapel
Regina Gibson is back to challenge us with why our local church is so important and how to love and serve the Church for which Jesus died.
The Church at Large | Dining Room
Join Grace missionary Amani Mustafa, Manjit Harrison, and others as they talk about the importance of our role in serving the larger body of Christ. How do we view the global church, and why is it important?
Friday, Feb 2
Session 1 | 6:30p - 9p
Saturday, Feb. 3
Session 2 | 8:30a - 10a
Breakout Sessions | 10:30a - 12p
Lunch | 12p - 1:30p
Session 3 | 1:30p-3:30p
Called Out & Committed
We learned a lot about the church at Gather. But we don’t want to just gain knowledge without applying what we learned to our lives. These I WILL statements sum up the weekend. How will you respond?
Click each statement for more.
There’s no other book, idea, or embodiment of knowledge that becomes a priority in our lives. This book is first. His words are the only true words. His words have the power to change us.
The true church will make the Bible their rule and their standard. His words are the final words on all matters. We can’t approach this word causally or superficially. If we do, we become targets for deception; we become weak-willed, and we might just walk away from truth.
When we submit to the Bible, we will better understand how to read the culture and respond to the world around us. We won’t be taken in by the newest voice in culture or the most persuasive ideology. Instead, the self-attesting, authoritative Word of God will govern our thinking on every matter of faith.
WILL YOU submit to this word as authoritative?
Scripture References: Rom 3:2, 15:4, Gal 3:16, I Tim 1:3 & 4:16, 2 Tim 3:16-17 & 4:3, Titus 1:9 & 2:1, Heb 13:9, & 2 Peter 1:16-21
Jesus as head speaks of his supremacy. He is completely in charge. Don’t think of Jesus as the head like the CEO of a company; think instead that He is the living Christ, the head of a living institution. He is the source of our lives. He is our lifeblood. From Him flows all the strength and energy and everything needed for life.
So, we guard our connection to Him and our intimacy with Him. If we don’t, then we will get off course, and if we get off course individually, then the church will get off course corporately.
WILL YOU follow Jesus as the head of the church and the head of your life?
Scripture References: Eph 1:22, 4:15, & 5:23, I Peter 5:4, & I Tim 3:1-13
As indwelled believers, the Holy Spirit lives inside us, so wherever I go, there is the Spirit of the living God. Think of it this way: when I walk into, say, Wal-Mart, the Spirit of God has just entered; the portable temple of the Holy Spirit now travels down aisle five. 😊
Sisters, I am not my own; I have been bought with a price. The church is the holy dwelling place of God wherever she goes. Just like the temple was a sacred place dedicated to worshipping God, we are the place where God’s presence resides. So, it is crucial for the church to remain committed to holiness, not rationalizing our purity.
WILL YOU live your life as the temple of the Holy Spirit?
Scripture References: John 14:17, Rom 8:9-11, I Cor 3:16, Eph 1:4, 13, & 2:19-21, Col 1:22, & 2 Tim 1:14
Surrendering to Jesus means that I give up all my rights — it is laying aside my personal preferences. We don’t have to have our way with the song selection, the parking lot, or the organization of the children’s ministry. Instead, we deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow our groom. We see ourselves as the beautiful bride of Jesus, who laid down His life for us.
WILL YOU surrender to Jesus as His bride?
Scripture References: Eph 5:24-27
God has gifted the church with spiritual gifts to bless one another. We serve sisters we know; we serve those we barely know; we serve anyone who has a pulse. And especially, we open our eyes to see those who are never seen. We are ready to utilize our God-given gifts and abilities to bless and build up the body. Our gifts are not for us; they are opportunities to see others, serve others, and strengthen the bride of Christ.
WILL YOU serve the body of Christ with your God-given gifts and abilities?
Scripture References: John 4:23, Rom 12:1-21, I Cor 1:4-8, 12:4-11, 12:26-31a &13:1-3, Eph 2:19-21, 4:11-16 & 5:15-16, & I Peter 4:10-11
An important response for me with this I WILL is to worship and mean every word that I sing! I want to sing loudly from my heart and be focused on Jesus.
When I was in the 6th grade, my pastor’s wife sang with all herself — all her vibrato, her essence, her off-key praise. She didn’t sound particularly good, but I remember her heart and love for Jesus. She faithfully showed up to worship every week and with every ounce of her being. Watching her worship has affected me to this day… and she has no idea.
In heaven, we will forever sing worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise. Since worship is one of the few things that will last past death, faithful worship is central to the church.
WILL YOU worship God faithfully in a local congregation?
Scripture References: Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, Rom 12:1, Hebrews 12:28, I Cor 14:26, Hebrews 10:25, Rev 4:10, 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, 14:7, 15:4, 19:4, 10, & 22:3
Last year, several groups formed after Gather for the purpose of memorizing and studying scripture together. Why? Because hiding God’s word in our hearts changes us.
When God’s words are in our head, we will make better decisions; we will counsel rightly; we will get through temptations; we will overcome trials; we will experience comfort; we will love Jesus more and more.
Sisters, in our life journey, we will consistently be asked to do things we do not have the strength to do. If we don’t grow up in our faith, we will not have the victory that Christ’s strength enables. I hate to think about being a weak-willed woman who is immature and ignorant as to how to walk in the wisdom of the Lord.
Instead, let’s pray and confess that we do not have within ourselves what it takes to live this life. Let’s look to our heavenly Father who supplies our every need. Let’s be willing to be taught this book and spend time with wise gospel believers who are mature in their faith and who will teach us this book.
WILL YOU grow in your faith with believers in a covenant community?
Scripture References: Prov 27:17, Eph 4:11-16, Hebrews 10:25, & I Peter 2:1-25
Piggybacking on growing up in our faith, let’s talk about unity. When we mature, we’ll travel in one direction — the gospel direction. Mature people who have different thoughts, who are from different nations, and who are from different walks of life can agree on essential things because the Bible is their rule. Even if they disagree on third-tier issues that are really discussion matters, they can remain yielded to one another and still do gospel life together!
Unity happens around the book. There must be a foundation for our unity. So that is why we say gospel direction, gospel life, and gospel sisters. We don’t have to agree on non-essentials, but we must agree regarding the authority of God’s Word and salvation. So here is a practical for us: don’t be so easily offended. Your offense may be what breaks up the unity of a true gospel community. Are you striving for gospel unity or do you just plain and simple want to be right?
WILL YOU strive for unity?
Scripture References: Psalm 133:1, Eph 2, Phil 1:27, & Rev. 5:9
When Jesus tells the church to be the light of the world, He’s saying: LIGHT is your identity; LIGHT is your responsibility; LIGHT is who you are. When you do good works that bring God glory, people have an opportunity to hear truth and see Jesus. So, don’t keep the light to yourself, and don’t hide it.
The church stands as a golden lampstand, or valuable voice of truth and hope in a world that is in utter darkness. How will this world get light if not through us? How will sin become visible if there’s no light in the darkness?
Our Gospel words, conduct, steady stances, and graciousness will light the darkened path of those who are worried, wayward, wicked, and bewildered.
Every community needs a church where truth is upheld to a watching society. Without our church, our community will have no access to the truth of God’s character and His righteous requirements.
Together as the church we are the light… individually has your light dimmed regarding the mission of the church?
WILL YOU live palpably and brightly, drawing attention to Jesus as the light of the world?
Scripture References: Matthew 5:14-16, John 8:12, & Rev 1:12-13
“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." (Rev. 2:9-10)
The church in Smyrna was under crushing pressure: the Kingdom of God clashed with the Kingdom of man; justice clashed with injustice; light clashed with darkness; godly values clashed with ungodly values, and human pride was confronted with the call to repentance.
Jesus told this church that it was going to get worse before it got better. 2 Timothy 3:12 says: "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."
As we share the truth of this book, we will be persecuted, and persecution displays our faith, and it proves that we are citizens of another country.
WILL YOU share the Gospel at all costs?
Scripture References: Mark 16:14-16, Luke 9:23, Eph 3
Why do I love the church of Jesus Christ? Why do I value serving her?
"Without a proper esteem and love for Christ Himself, and an understanding of His covenant love of for His church, we will lack the motive-force to serve Him in the world. If our ultimate motivation for service to God is simply because we love people, we will never be able to sustain the call to service that God has given to us because the very people we are called to serve will break our hearts. It is only the grace of Christ that enables us to persevere." (Ligon Duncan)
The only way to love the church is to love Jesus first. So, esteem Christ, sisters, love Him, and by His grace we will love the church that he is building. Is there anything preventing you from loving her?
WILL YOU love the church of Jesus Christ?
Scripture References: Mark 12:30-31, John 13:35, I Cor 10:31, Rev 2:4-5
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."(Matthew 16:18)
Sisters, we are part of an unstoppable movement. Don't ever forget it! Despite Satan's attempts from the beginning of time and throughout history to destroy God's plans, Christ's church will not be stopped or defeated. The church stands. The church is made up of God's people, and they are overcomers. The church is and will remain victorious. It is:
- a MOVEMENT that exists forever
- a BODY that will live on and on
- a TEMPLE that will always stand
- a BRIDE that will be forever married
- a BUILDING that will never be torn down
Sisters, this means we can live our lives with eternal hope. We have amazing, incredible hope in the resurrection. We are a part of something that will last past death. We are members of the eternal, prevailing church. So, will you pour your life into the mission of this unique, unstoppable movement?
WILL YOU choose never to forget that we are part of the prevailing church of Jesus Christ?
Scripture References: Matthew 16:18, I Cor 15
Look up, look in, look out to pray for the church.
Take the next prayer step and join us in prayer for our Grace missionaries and sister churches!
Jump into a Women's Bible Study
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday Options
Gather in community with other women from Grace and grow in your love for God and His Word.
Register for DSW
Sat, March 2 | 8:30-11:30a
Join us for this free Saturday morning event! This mini-retreat will focus on encouraging you in the spiritual disciplines and training you to disciple others.
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